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• Most thank you gifts will be sent 4-6 weeks once your donation is processed, unless otherwise noted.
• Ticket thank you gifts will be sent approximately 2-4 weeks before the event.

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Why is Nebraska Public Media important to you?

You may also include any comments or instructions regarding your gift.
Keeping with our bylaws, the Nebraska Public Media Foundation will not release or exchange any information about our members. We will not sell, rent, share or give our donor list to any outside organization or individual.

Donation Summary

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Member Benefits

PREMIERE - Gifts $36 and above receive PREMIERE, our monthly program guide.
PBS Passport - Gifts $60 ($5/month) and above get access to PBS Passport (extended video on demand).
Jack G. McBride Society - Gifts $1,200 ($100/month) and above make you a member of the Jack G. McBride Society.
Sports Partners Club - Click here to become a member and receive a sports thank you gift.